Coordinator of project and host partner: Tashkent institute of chemical technology (TICT)
Venue of the partner meeting: Uzbekistan, Tashkent city, Navoi street, 32
Venue of the opening conference: Tashkent institute of chemical technology, Tashkent
National Erasmus+ office in Uzbekistan representatives – Aziza Abdurakhmanova, Gulshoda Karlibayeva.
TICT (Coordinator)
Pulatov Kh.L.Vice Rector for Research and Innovation, Primary coordinator – Prof. Zebo Babakhanova, contact person – Dr. Akmal Boboev, project manager – Khumora Yunuskhodjaeva.
UCPH (online)
Associate professor Bekzod Khakimov contact person, Prof. Søren Balling Engelsen, Assistant professor Tomasz Pawel Czaja
UEx (online)
Professor Jorge-Ruiz Carrascal – Contact person
NUUz – Associate professor Y.S. Ergashov, Prof. Kh.I. Akbarov and Contact person – E.Berdimurodov.
BETI – Kakhramon Rakhmonov, Associate professor, Contact person – Ulugbek Ibragimov, Associate professor.
ASU (online) – Contact person – Dr. Nurmatov Dilshadbek — Head of the Department of Education Quality Control, Abdurazakov Nosirbek — PhD student.
UrSU – Contact person – Associate professor M.F. Rajabov.
Welcome Speech and Brief Information about Project
Pulatov Kh.L.Vice Rector for Research and Innovation from TICT gave a welcome speech to all partners and gave a brief introduction about the Project.
National Erasmus+ Office Coordinator Aziza Abdurakhmanova congratulated the Project partners on the beginning of ECAMPUZ project and gave a speech about the role of Uzbekistan NEO in project.
Round table presentation of partners and participants.
All partner representatives as well as project manager introduced themselves and gave a brief information regarding the organization they belong to.

Presentation of Aims/Activities/expected Outcomes/Partners/Roles of ECAMPUZ & UCPH team by the representative of Partner 2.
Associate Professor Bekzod Khakimov from University of Copenhagen introduced all UCPH team to other partners and demonstrated a presentation on brief information about aims, activities, expected outcomes of ECAMPUZ project. Bekzod Khakimov explained the role of UCPH team and what benefits are expected from EU HEI’s partnership in project.
Presentation by the representative of Partner 3 from the University of Extremadura Professor Jorge Ruiz-Carrascal.
Professor Jorge Ruiz-Carrascal gave information on the University of Extremadura and about the department of Animal Production and Food Science. There was demonstrated a presentation on the opportunities and laboratory facilities for students, researchers and teaching staff to be provided during 3 months training (under WP4). Professor Jorge Ruiz-Carrascal explained the role of UCPH team and what benefits are expected from EU HEI’s partnership in project.
Discussion of the Consortium Agreement between partners, Agenda and venue for upcoming kick-off meeting on 14th April, 2023.
Professor Zebo Babakhanova presented the draft of Consortium Agreement and pointed out the details all partners required to pay attention. It was decided to send all partners via e-mail the draft of Consortium Agreement to get acquainted with and give further remarks on it. The task will be performed by the project manager.
There were discussed details of upcoming kick-off meeting on 14th April, 2023, including: venue of the partner meeting, venue of the opening conference, activities to be performed, topics to be discussed, tasks to be completed and expected guests.
Presentation of Aims/Activities/expected Outcomes/Partners/Roles of ECAMPUZ by the representative of Partner 8 Sarvar Kakhkhorov.
There was a full explanation of the Aims, Activities (meetings, CAMPS, trainings), expected outcomes of project by Sarvar Kakhkhorov. During the presentation all partners got acquainted with their roles, the work packages they are responsible for, the deadlines of deliverables and the upcoming activities for the first year of project.
Zebo Babakhanova demonstrated due dates of deliverables and reminded the responsible partners on upcoming deliverables, explained how to work on System of Grant Management, how to upload/add information to the system.
Discussed questions related to the organization of upcoming kick-off meeting on 14th April, 2023. It was reminded to partners that there are to be established the following teams during the kick-off meeting: evaluation team, quality team, management team, local coordination team.
CAT – Contact person – Dr. Dilbar Dalimova, Yulia Levitskaya, Sarvar Kakhkhorov and Diyora Kumayeva.

Akmal Boboev demonstrated the the last developed version of the budget plan and its distribution by work packages for each partner. Questions related to travel, accommodation, payroll and other expenses were discussed.
Representatives of partners discussed which social network platform (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and etc.) should be used for information dissemination of project. The majority agreed on the idea that the particular social network platform for complementing dissemination must be popular both in EU and Uzbekistan.

Being responsible for D2.1, Partner 2 explained how review comprising details of target groups’ need is planned to be managed, what procedures it would involve and what kind of information will be necessary by other partners. It was reminded that the assistance of Partners 1, 5 and 7 will be important for initial need analysis to gather the information from especially target group 3.
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