Partner Organizations:


European partners

Tashkent Institute of Chemical Technology
University Of Copenhagen
Escudo De La Universidad de Extramadura

National partners

Urganch State Uiversity
Bukhara engineering-technological institute
Andijan State University
National University of Uzbekistan
Center For Advanced Technologies

Governmental and non-governmental organizations and associations

Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Innovations of Republic of Uzbekistan
Uzbekistan food industry association

Associated partners

Association "Uzyogmoysanoat"
Sardoba Agro Holding LLC


Tashkent Chemical-Technological Institute (TCTI)

WP1 leader,

WP 3 and WP5 co-leader

Tashkent Chemical Technological Institute (TCTI) was founded in 1991 on the basis of the Tashkent Polytechnical Institute. ТCТI is a public HEI pursuing scientific, research, development and implementation activities and is accredited to provide four-year bachelor (BSc) programmes, two-year master (MSc) programmes, and doctor of science programmes. The structure of TCTI includes 5 faculties, 26 departments, the Center of Innovation Technology and 12 research laboratories. Graduates work as leading experts in food companies such as “Sardoba” Agro Holding Company, JSC “Toshkentvino kombinati”, “Uzpaxtayog’” JSC, “Uzdonmahsulot” JSC, Carlsberg, Nestlé, etc. TCTI employs more than 500 highly
specialised teaching staff, among them 4 academicians of UZB Academy of Science, 215 DSc and PhDs. TCTI is a key participant in the modernisation of food science education in UZB. In the last few years, TCTI has participated in 6 projects within the ERASMUS+ framework and cooperated with more than 110 foreign HEIs and research institutions from
USA, Europe, South Korea, China, Russia and Belorussia, etc.

Professor Botir Usmonov, DSc. Legal representative, Manager
Rector, PhD in Technical Sciences, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor. Author of more than 250 scientific-research and 30 scientific-methodological works, including 2 textbooks and 1 tutorial. He successfully completed his postgraduate studies in 1999 and defended his dissertation on "Mathematical modeling of the impact of a series of shock waves on a stationary body."
In 1999 he had a research internship at the Federal Republic of Germany, studied for 2 years at the Northern Institute of Technology at the Technical University of Hamburg-Harburg, majoring in mechatronics, "Mechanics and Informatics", and conducted research in computer design and programming.
In 1994-1999, two-time grant winner of the Talent Fund of the President of UZB was sent on short-term training trips to Japan and Germany.
B.Usmanov is a member of the European and International Physicon, Triple Helix Scientific Society. He speaks English, Russian and German.
Dr. Usmanov B. also contributed to the preparation and implementation of a new curriculums in food technology at TCTI according to EU standarts, participated in implementation of ECTS in TCTI and all other UZB universities.
Some of his publications are listed below:
Botir Usmonov, Andrei Iskhakov, Oleg Evsutin, Alexander Shelupanov, Anastasia Iskhakova, Roman Meshcheryakov. The cybersecurity in development of IoT embedded technologies. International Conference on Information Science and Communications Technologies (ICISCT), 2017. DOI: 10.1109/ICISCT.2017.8188589
Botir Usmonov. A Numerical Solution of Hereditary Equations with a Weakly Singular Kernel for Vibration Analysis of Viscoelastic Systems. Proceedings of the Latvian Academy of Sciences Volume 69 (2015) - Issue 6 (December 2015) Page range: 326 – 330. DOI:

Professor Zebo Babakhanova, main contact person.
Head of the International Relations Department at TCTI. DSc. She has considerable experience of working on international projects and participated in 8 projects within the Erasmus Mundus framework and 1 project within the framework of NATO for peace grants. Recently she coordinated 2 CBHE and 6 ICM Erasmus+ projects: IQAT and UZDOC2.0.
Responsible for coordination of all international projects in which TCTI is involved, and member of the working group responsible for the election of candidates for participation in international projects, or seminars. She has more than 150 scientific articles; 20 - dedicated to modernization of the higher educational system in UZB.
Some of her publications are listed below:
1. The role of the principles of European educational standards in improving the quality of higher education. Erasmus+ in UZB book. Tashkent, 2017, 37-42.
2. Quality Assurance in Doctoral Education: UZB and European Contexts (ERASMUS+ CBHE PROJECT UZDOC 2.0). Erasmus+ in UZB book. Tashkent, 2018, 72-78.

Dr Akmal Boboev, PhD. Contact person.
Head of Department “Enology and catering”. Professor in the Faculty of Enology & Viticulture at TCTI. He has invaluable experience, knowledge and skills about the educational systems of ECTS and the Bologna process about existing systems in UZB. He has participated in several projects including “Enhancing capacities of implementation of institutional quality assurance systems and typology using Bologna process principles/IQAT”, “Furthering the quality of doctoral education at Higher Education Institutions in UZB/UZDOC2.0” and in other international projects held in TCTI. He is also a member of the Technical Council and tasting committee at Agency for Regulation of the Alcohol and Tobacco Market and Wine Development. Dr Boboev’s research interests focused on the development of obtaining antioxidant peptides from grain when processing it to alcohol.
Some of his publications are listed below:
1. Effect of Hydrolysis Products of Different Proteins of Wheat on Antioxidant Enzymes.A. Boboev, H.Hasanov,
L. Yotova, S. Turabdjanov. INT. J. BIOAUTOMATION, 2011, 15(1), 5-12
2. State of Pepsin and Acidic Protease in Solid Phase System and the Factors Increasing Their Destabilization. 2011. A. Boboev, H. T. Hasanov, A. H. Hasanov and M. M. Rahimov. Journal of Food Science and Engineering 1, 303-312

Ra’no Akramova, PhD. Teacher, trainer
Professor in the Faculty of Food technology production at TCTI. She plays an active role in the international life
of the institute. She is actively involved in the development of principles for the modernization of the higher education system in UZB, targeting support for the accessibility and internationalization of higher education.She is also amember of the Board of JSC “Uzyog’moysanoat”. Dr.Akramova’s research interests were focused on developing the production of non-traditional vegetable oils.
Some of her publications:
1. Application of phosphatide concentrates from local raw materials to improve the quality of bakery products.
Akramova R.R., Djakhangirova G.Z., Khamrakulova M., Khojaev S.F., Normatov A.M. PalArch’s Journal of Archaeology of Egypt / Egyptology,17(6),3705-3716.Retrieved from
5. vol. 17 no. 6 (2020): palarch’s journal of archaeology of egypt/egyptology
2. A Study Of Edible Wheat Germ Oil From Local Grains. Akramova R.R., Abduraximov S.A., Sayfutdinov J.R. International Journal of Research p-ISSN: 2348-6848 e-ISSN: 2348-795X Volume 07 Issue 04 April 2020. India.

University of Copenhagen (UCPH)

WP3 leader,

WP1 and WP4 co-leader

The University of Copenhagen is one of the largest in Scandinavia, with over 40,000 students and more than 9,000 employees. The university comprises six faculties and around 100 departments and centres, and offers more than 200 study programmes in health sciences, humanities, law, life sciences, pharmaceutical sciences, science, social sciences and theology. The Department of Food Science at the University of Copenhagen employs more than 150 people and it is one of the key institutions in Demark in food science and technology where BSc, MSc and PhD students are educated in broad disciplines of food science along the chain from raw materials to processing and consumption. The department is organised into four discipline-oriented sections that focus on both basic and applied research. The Chemometrics and Analytical Technology (CAT) section which is headed by professor Søren Balling Engelsen, is one of the world’s leading research groups in chemometrics and has built up a strong biospectroscopy laboratory for foodomics, metabolomics, and food quality control. Currently, the group consists of 30 scientists, including PhD students, whose research is highly focused on spectroscopy, chemometrics, foodomics, and process analytical technology. The CAT section collaborates closely with academics around the world and has a strong tradition for collaborating with the industry, both nationally and internationally. The foodomics laboratory of the CAT section is equipped with three high-field NMR spectrometers (400, 500 and 600 MHz) and various hyphenated platforms (e.g. GC-TOF-MS, LC-UV and ICP-OES), and several NIR and Raman spectrometers primarily targeted for omics research and routinely used for food quality, authenticity, food control and process monitoring in industries. The section’s current research interests cover diverse research topics such as food analysis, food fraud and authenticity, aquaculture, and human plasma and urine analysis for pre-clinical screenings.


Dr. Søren Balling Engelsen. Contact person, manager

Prof Søren Balling Engelsen (Google Scholar H-index: 60) is a leading scientist in the area of spectroscopy and its applications in food science. Prof Engelsen joined the Department of Food Science at the University of Copenhagen in 1995 and has been leading the Chemometrics and Analytical Technology (CAT) (formerly Quality & Technology) section since 2001. He became a full professor in 2004 in Plant Food Science and has published 241 scientific articles in international peer-reviewed journals (Web of Science). He has H-index of 43 and he is a well-known scientist in food science, carbohydrate structure and food analysis and in newly emerged fields within omics technologies, foodomics and metabolomics. Professor Engelsen is an expert in NMR, NIR, Raman and FT-IR spectroscopy and has long experience using these techniques along with the application of advanced chemometrics methods to solve various tasks within food science. He led and/or took part in several food science-related projects including “BIOPRO”, which is targeted towards the “development of the next generation of optimised and sustainable bioprocesses” and “REWARD” (, a strategic platform targeted at “increasing the reuse of water in the food and bioprocessing industries” and “COUNTERSTRIKE” (, Counteracting Age-related Loss of Skeletal Muscle Mass aimed at providing evidence-based recommendations for alleviating sarcopenia through protein supplementation and exercise.

Some of the most recent contributions are listed below:
1. J.M. Amigo, A. del Olmo Alvareza, M.M. Engelsen, H. Lundkvist and S.B. Engelsen, Staling of white bread crumb and effect of maltogenic α-amylases. Part 1: Spatial distribution and kinetic modelling of hardness and resilience, Food Chemistry (2016), 208, 318-325.

  1. P. Ebrahimi, F.H. Larsen, H.M. Jensen, F.K. Vogensen & S.B. Engelsen, Real-time metabolomics analysis of lactic acid bacteria as monitored by in vitro NMR and chemometrics, Metabolomics (2016), 12(4):77.

Dr. Bekzod Khakimov. Main contact, manager

Dr Khakimov (Google Scholar H-index: 22) is an Associate professor at the Department of Food Science (UCPH). He is a chemist by training and was awarded his PhD in metabolomics in 2013 from the University of Copenhagen under the supervision of Prof Søren Balling Engelsen. His research focuses on the development of quantitative and high-throughput methodologies for untargeted metabolome analysis. Dr Khakimov leads the Foodomics Laboratory at the Department of Food Science, which is equipped with state-of-the-art analytical platforms such as GC-quadrupole-MS and GC-Time-Of-Flight-MS as well as LC-UV. He also runs “GC-MS Metabolomics” training for employees of the department as well as for other scientists at the University of Copenhagen. Apart from above-mentioned “REWARD” and “COUNTERSTRIKE” projects, he is also involved in “TriForC” ( EU project. Dr Khakimov received the “Nils Foss Talent Prize” in November 2016 for his contributions in the fields of food science and metabolomics ( He also actively participates in the establishment of training and education within metabolomics and is an active member of the European Metabolomics Training Coordination Group (EmTraG) ( Dr Khakimov
published 27 scientific articles in international peer-reviewed journals:
1. B. Khakimov and oth., Plant metabolomics: Resolution and quantification of elusive peaks in liquid chromatography–mass spectrometry profiles of complex plant extracts using multi-way decomposition methods, Journal of Chromatography A (2012), 1266, 84-94.
2. B. Khakimov and oth. New Nordic Diet versus Average Danish Diet: Healthy long-term effects of the New Nordic Diet revealed by GC-MS blood metabolomics, Journal of Proteome Research (2016), 15(6), 1939–1954.
3. B. Khakimov and oth., Untargeted GC-MS Metabolomics Reveals Changes in the Metabolite Dynamics of Industrial Scale Batch Fermentations of Streptoccoccus thermophilus Broth, Biotechnology journal (2017), 12(10).

Tomasz Pawel Czaja, PhD. Tenure track Assistant Professor. Contact person.

Tomasz Pawel Czaja is an Assistant professor at the Department of Food Science (UCPH). He graduated MSc in Chemistry in 2014 from University of Wroclaw, Poland. Tomasz Pawel Czaja worked as postdoc on Food quality control using advanced analytical platforms, NIR and Low Field NMR at the Department of Food Science, University of Copenhagen, Denmark between 2019 and 2021. His research focuses on assessment of food quality and improving food production processes for future food security. Tomasz Pawel Czaja is interested in implementing rapid spectroscopic techniques (on-line and at-line) for monitoring
food production processes with an aim to improve food quality while minimizing environmental footprint from food production (green transition). To improve food screening methods, he works towards optimization of new and efficient spectroscopic methods and combines these with an advanced data processing algorithm (chemometrics).

Tomasz Pawel Czaja’s analytical skills:

Vibrational spectroscopy: FTIR (MIR, NIR spectroscopy including ATR, DRIFTS, SR)

Raman spectroscopy: Surface Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy, Raman microscopy and imaging


Some of the most recent contributions are listed below:

  1. The effect of acidification temperature and pH on intermolecular protein bonds and water mobility in heat and acid-induced milk gels Laursen, Anne Katrine, Ipsen, Richard, Ahrné, Lilia, Barone, Giovanni, Czaja, Tomasz Pawel & Rovers, T. A. M., 2023, (Accepted/In press) In: International Dairy Journal.
  2. Differences in physicochemical properties of high-moisture extrudates prepared from soy and pea protein isolates Wang, H., van der Berg, Franciscus Winfried J, Zhang, W., Czaja, Tomasz Pawel, Zhang, Longteng, Jespersen, Birthe P Møller & Lametsch, Rene, 2022, In: Food Hydrocolloids. 128, 10 p., 107540.

University of Extremadura (UEx)

WP4 leader,
WP3 co-leader

The University of Extremadura ( is a public institution with approximately 25.000 students, 1.993 teachers, 17 faculties and 2 associated university centres, distributed between four campuses. The academic offer includes 72 Bachelor Degrees, 5 Double Degrees, 5 International Double Degrees, 43 Official Masters and 36 Doctorate Programmes. UEx has participated in several international programmes (ERASMUS+, ERASMUS MUNDUS, ATLANTIS, JEAN MONNET, LEONARDO DA VINCI, ALFA or TEMPUS). UEx has been recognized as “Campus of International Excellence” with the project HIDRANATURA. UEx takes part of the national G9 group set up by 9 national public Universities which are alone in their regions.
The research group of Food Technology and Quality includes 11 people and has more than 30 years of experience in the area of food science and technology, with a special focus on meat technology and on culinary science. From an educational perspective, the group teaches at the graduate level courses on Food Chemistry and Technology, Nutrition and Industrial Biochemistry and offers a whole Master on Meat Science & Technology. The group has advised numerous PhD students and actively participates in the Doctorate Program on Food Science. The group has current collaborations with food companies, specially but not only, with meat companies, and has received funding enduringly for more than 25 years from competitive National and European research calls. The research facilities include several LC/MS and GC/MS, GC/FID. LC/fluorescence-DAD, fluorescence spectrometer, NIRs, texture analyser, an experimental kitchen and a fully equipped meat pilot plant.


Professor Jorge Ruiz-Carrascal, main contact.

Associate Prof Jorge Ruiz-Carrascal is a leading scientist in the area of meat processing. He joined the Department of Animal Production and Food Science at the UEX in 1993, and led the section of Food Technology and Quality (TECAL) shortly during 2012/2013. He was a postdoc at the University of Cornell (USA) and at Foulum Research Center (Denmark). From 2013 to 2017 he was Professor at the Department of Food Science of the University of Copenhagen, where he mainly focused on topics related to meat technology and processing. He has published more than 120 scientific articles in international peer-reviewed journals (Web of Science).
He is a well-known scientist in the area of meat science and meat processing, especially in topics like aroma formation in meat products, factors influencing meat and meat products quality, sous-vide cooking of meat or encapsulation technologies for functional compounds. He is an expert in aroma compounds analysis by GC/MS, texture analysis or fat extraction and analysis. He has been one of the pioneers of the so called Molecular Gastronomy, with a number of projects and publications, and numerous speeches and collaborations on the topic. He is Associate Editor of the International Journal of Gastronomy and Food Science. He led a National Research Network on Science and Cooking (INDAGA: Innovation, research and development applied to gastronomy). He also led a national research project on sous-vide cooking of meat in Spain (VACUUMLAMB), and a project aiming to improve the flavour of hydrolysates from animal side-streams in Denmark FLAVOPROT).

Some of the most recent contributions are listed below:
1. Mitra, B.; Rinnan, A.; Ruiz-Carrascal, J., Tracking hydrophobicity state,aggregation behaviour and structural modifications of pork proteins under the influence of assorted heat treatments. Food Res Int, 2017, 101, 266-273.
2. Carvalho, M. J.; Perez-Palacios, T.; Ruiz-Carrascal, J., Physico-chemical and sensory characteristics of freeze-dried and air-dehydrated yogurt foam. Lwt-Food Sci Technol 2017, 80, 328-334. 3. Roldan, M.; Antequera, T.; Armenteros, M.; Ruiz, J., Effect of different temperature-time combinations on lipid and protein oxidation of sous-vide cooked lamb loins. FoodChem, 2014, 149, 129-136.

Pablo Hurtado Pardo, Technical

Director for International Relations since April 2015. Technical Project Manager for International Relations since 1997 (18 years). He has participated in many EU Projects and he has several scientific publications on European matters such as:
- UEX y los programas de movilidad europeos (2011).
- 86-09, Extremadura más de 20 años de progreso con Europa (2011).
Furthermore, he has an extensive background:
- Projects Expert Course on International Cooperation Projects Interuniversity from the National University of Distance Education (UNED).
- Director of Project Management Courses from the University of Extremadura (UEx) and G9 Group of Spanish Universities.

María Victoria Sánchez Rodríguez-Arias, Technical

Technical Project Manager. She works at International Relations since 2017. She did her traineeship at the Spanish Embassy in Mexico City in 2016, participated in many EU Projects and she has manage diverse International Mobility Programmes. Furthermore, she
has an extensive background:
-Degree in Law from the University of Extremadura (UEx).

-Degree in Business and Administration Management (UEx).

-Master in Project Management PMI (Nebrija).

- Master in Project Management (IMF Smart Education).

-International Trade Expert (UEx).

José Antonio Ruíz Soriano, Technical

Financial Project Manager. He works at International Relations since 2013. He has participated in many EU Projects. He was Project Officer for TEMPUS Project IV Fifth call: “NETOUR: Network for Excellence in Tourism through Organizations and Universities”. Furthermore, he has an extensive background:
-Degree in Environmental Sciences (UCO).

-Master in Introduction to Research in Sciencie (UEx).

-Master in Introduction to Research in Didactics of Experimental, Social and Mathematical Sciences (UEx).

-Master in Eco-audits and Master in Eco-audits and Environmental Business Planning (UMA).

National University of UZB (NUUz)

WP6 and WP7 copartner

National University of UZB named after Mirzo Ulugbek is the first and the principal higher educational institution not only in UZB but also in Central Asia. 23 scientists of the University were appointed as the presidents and vice-presidents of the Academy of Sciences; a total of 107 scientists have achieved the title of Academician. At present, 29 academicians, more than 150 Doctors of Science and professors, more than 400 Candidates of Science, PhD, associate professors, more than 200 young scientists and more than 500 gifted students conduct their research works in different spheres of science. Having great scientific potential, the National University of UZB is regarded as the basic higher educational institute in the Republic. State Educational Standards, Educational Plans and Curricula are designed and implemented in the educational process for other higher institutions.
In order to enhance the connection between theoretical and practical applications in the educational process, 3
small field areas, 32 scientific-educational laboratories, 3 scientific experimental centres and 1 inter institutional
laboratory and 2 rare objects have been developed. NUUz has been cooperating with more than 100 higher
educational institutions of developed countries. Among them are Moscow State University named after M.V.Lomonosov, Seoul National University, California State University.


Dr. Akbarov Khamdam. Contact person, teacher, trainer

DSc (chemical sciences) (2003), professor (2008). Head of department of physical chemistry. Education: National university of UZB – chemistry qualification “Physical chemistry”, 1976. Scientific areas of interests:
Physic-chemical and thermodynamic properties of hybrid Nano-compositional materials. Quantum Dots based synthesis of new nanomaterials. Synthesis ecological clean sun elements based on double perovskite not containing Pb. Preparation of functional thin film materials by ionic liquid electrodeposition, development of green electrodeposition technology, developing ionic liquidbased composite polymer electrolyte in lithium-ion
battery system, non-precious metal-based electrocatalyst.
Candidate dissertation “Molecular structure and thermodynamic properties of grafting copolymers of acetates of cellulose” -1983. Scientific leader – prof. Tashmuhamedov S.A.
Doctor dissertation “Molecular characteristics and thermodynamic properties of solutions of cellulose and
it`s acetates and multicomponent systems on their base” - 2004. Scientifical consultant – prof. Tillaev R.S.
Grants: F-7-54. Investigation of physico-chemical regularities and mechanisms of formation of nano-structural porous and polymer-silica hybrid nano-compositional materials.

A-12-57. Elaboration of sol-gel technology of obtain nano-dispersional silica.

A-12-46. Increasing of anticorrosional properties of polyelectrolytes and their using.

Dr. Kholikov Abduvali. Contact person, teacher, trainer.

DSc, prof. of Chair of Physical chemistry. Author of more than 50 scientific-research and 20 scientific-methodological works, including 2 textbooks and 1 tutorial. Carries out research work on the priority topics of the State scientific-technical program dedicated to the development of innovative resource-saving technologies. Member of Specialized Academic Council DSc.03/30.12.2019.K.01.03 for the defense of doctoral dissertations at the NUU. He is supervisor and participant of the State projects on applied scientific and technical research. Under his leadership, three Doctors of Philosophy (PhD) defended their dissertations in chemical sciences. He is a scientific consultant for 1 basic doctoral students (PhD). He has published around 20 articles in Scopus and Web of Science journals. H index is 5 in Scopus and 5 in Web of Science. He is a leading researcher in frame of the State grant project.

Dr. Berdimurodov Elyor. Main contact, teacher, trainer

Associate professor of Chair of Physical chemistry, PhD. He has studied PhD program in Tinajin University, School of Chemical Engineering and Technology. His PhD research focuses on Creating new type of anticorrosion inhibitors and coatings. Dr. Berdimurodov was participant in several international and domestic programs (Chinese Government Scholarships, Chinese Great belt program, Fundamental and practical grands). He has published around 30 articles in Scopus and Web of Science journals. Dr. Berdimurodov has index 7 in Scopus and 5 in Web of Science. He is a leading researcher in frame of the State grant project. He was also participant in several international conferences from China, Russian, India and other developed countries.
Some of the most recent contributions are listed below:
1. AR Shahmoradi, M Ranjbarghanei, AA Javidparvar, L Guo, E Berdimurodov, Bahram Ramezanzadeh. Theoretical and surface/electrochemical investigations of walnut fruit green husk extract as effective inhibitor for mild-steel corrosion in 1M HCl electrolyte. Journal of Molecular Liquids Volume 338, 15 September 2021, 116550.

  1. Mengyue Zhu, Lei Guo, Zhongyi He, Riadh Marzouki, Renhui Zhang, Elyor Berdimurodov.

Insights into the newly synthesized N-doped carbon dots for Q235 steel corrosion retardation in acidizing media: A detailed multidimensional study. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science Volume 608, Pages 2039-2049.

Dr. Shahnoza Kadirova. Contact person, teacher, trainer.

Prof. Sh. Kadirova is a leading expert in the field of chemistry of complex compounds and bio-inorganic chemistry in the Republic. She is engaged in introducing into the educational process methods of analyzing toxic metals in a living organism. She has participated in several projects. She actively participates in the development of the principles of modernisation of the higher education system in UZB. Some of her recent contributions are listed below:

  1. Synthesis and crystal structure of 2-amino-acetil-1,3,4-thiadiazole (2005), Kadirova Sh.A

// Russian journal of general chemistry Vol 75 No12.-P1962-1964

  1. Synthesis and investigation of complex compounds hexamethylene bis-[n, n1 -benzotriazole] urea with copper and zinc (2016) Kadirova Sh., Ibragimova Ju., Rahmonova D., Babaev I.// EUROPEAN RESEARCH No 8 (19),

Dr. Smanova Zulaykho. Contact person, teacher, trainer

Prof. Smanova is greatly involved in education and research management activities covering basic and applied analytical chemistry. She has participated in several projects in basic and applied synthesis and properties of the sensor system materials. Using of the determination of the have toxic metals. Prof. Smanova has published several scientific articles in peer-reviewed international journals. Some of her recent contributions are listed below:

  1. Disodium 1-(2-Pyridylazo)-2-oxynaphthalene-3,6- disulfonate: an Immobilized reagent determination of Iron(III). (2011) Smanova Z.A., Gafurova D.A., Savchkov A.V. Russian Journal of General chemistry. Vol.81.- No 4.-P.739-742.
  2. Synthesis of new nitrosonaphtols and their application in analytical chemistry. (2013) Smanova Z.A., J.Nurmukhammadov, H.Tojimukhamedov, M.S.Inatova The Advenced Science Open Access Journal. No 312. Chemical Engineering, P.32.V.13-18.1
Bukhara engineering-t echnological institute (BETI)

WP5 leader

The institute began its activity in 1958 as branch of the Tashkent polytechnic institute. Main objective of activity of institute is preparation of highly skilled experts in system of a bachelor degree and a master degree for branches and manufactures of mechanical engineering, power industry, electro-technical, light, chemical and petrochemical industry, meaning, first of all, satisfaction of requirements for engineering and engineering-technological personnel of Free industrial-economic zone "Navoi", Special industrial zone "Djizak" of Republic of UZB, and also training and retraining of highly skilled scientific and pedagogical personnel in technical directions of education for professional colleges, deepening of integration of educational process with research and industrial activity.


Dr. Ulugbek Ibragimov. Main contact, teacher, trainer.

Associate professor of the Department of Information and communication systems in control of technological processes. PhD. He worked as a leading specialist in the education quality control department of BETI. Has extensive experience in international projects: took part in several Tempus and Erasmus+ projects, such as ELBA, ECCUM, MACH, ENGITEC, HEICA, etc.

Had internships in Spain, Sweden, Belgium, Italy, Slovenia, England, Belgium, etc. Has more than 20 publications in local and international journals. He was the ELBA program coordinator at BETI from 2019-2021, during this period 3 teachers were sent for internships at the University of Santiago de Compostela (Spain).

Prof. Ismoil Isabaev. Contact person, teacher, trainer

DSc, professor of Department of Food Technology. Author of more than 250 scientific-research and 30 scientific-methodological works, including 2 textbooks and 1 tutorial. Carries out research work on the priority topics of the State scientific-technical program dedicated to the development of innovative resource-saving technologies, improving the consumer advantages and biological value of food products, expanding the range of functional products and the healthy food segment. Member of Specialized Academic Council DSc.03/30.12.2019.T.04.01 for the defense of doctoral dissertations at the Tashkent Chemical-Technological Institute. He is an expert in the production and quality of bakery products, fats and oils for the profiling enterprises of the Republic. He is supervisor and participant of the State projects on applied scientific and technical research. Takes an active part in the development of a common Modular curriculum for Central Asia and the acquisition of modern laboratory equipment in frame of GIZ Regional Program “Professional Education and Training in Central Asia” (РВВZ I). Has international certificates. Under his leadership, three Doctors of Philosophy (PhD) defended their dissertations in technical sciences. He is a scientific consultant for 2 basic doctoral students (PhD) and 3 doctoral students (DSc).

Dr. Nafisa Djuraeva. Contact person, teacher, trainer

Associate professor of Department of Food Technology , PhD. She has extensive experience in international projects. She took part in projects such as “MATCHES – Towards the Modernization of Higher Education in UZB”, GIZ Regional Program “Professional Education and Training in Central Asia” (РВВZ I). Conducted internships and training seminars in Spain (University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria), Kazakhstan (Kazakh National Agrarian University, Karaganda State Technical University). Worked in Republican scientific projects and applied grants. She won the grant “Mobility of young scientists-2017” and completed an internship at the Institute of Chemistry of Plant Substances under the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of UZB. Has 2 patents for inventions, 2 monographs, more than 60 publications.

Dr.Rakhmonov Kakhramon. Contact person, teacher, trainer

Associate professor of Department of Food Technology, PhD. Kakhramon has extensive experience in international projects: he took part in the following projects, such as ELBA, GIZ, etc.   He has more than 70 publications in various local and international journals, conference proceedings and periodicals.

Dr. Oltiev Azim. Contact person, teacher, trainer     

Associate professor of Department of Chemical technology of inorganic substances. He worked as a leading specialist in the department of commercialization of scientific and innovative developments at BETI. He has experience in international projects. Member of a number of state projects on applied and innovative scientific and technical research in the republic. Participant of the project “Strengthening the material and technical base of higher education institutions” with the participation of the International Development Association.

Dr. Nargiza Majidova. Contact person, teacher, trainer       

Associate Professor of Department of Food Technology, DSc. She has over 60 publications in various local and international journals, conference proceedings and periodicals publications. She is a leading researcher in frame of the State grant project.

Andijan State University (ASU)

WP6 leader

The history of the Andijan State University which was named after Z. M. Babur began in 1931. First, as a branch of the Fergana pedagogical Institute and in 1939 as the Institute of qualification of teachers. In 1953, Andijan state pedagogical institute was established based on this Institute. After independence of the Republic of UZB since 1992 has been reorganized as the Andijan State University.

Currently, there are 13200 bachelor's degree students in 36 directions of education, in 20 specialties -

149 masters, and 31 research trainees and senior researchers in scientific activity. There are 10 faculties, 35 departments. 524 teachers and professors (including 196 female teachers) of faculty train students, 47 of them are doctors of science, professors and 178 are candidates of science, associate professors.

Over the past three years, there were published 20 monographs, 27 textbooks, 124 textbooks. Professors and lecturers of the University published 721 scientific articles, 1271 abstracts, 158 of them were published in foreign scientific journals. 12 research and development patents, 8 programmed computer product obtained the state Patent. In the past 3 years, 3 international, 12 national, 12 local scientific conferences were held.


Dr. Nurmatov Dilshadbek. Main contact, teacher, trainer, manager

Dr.Nurmatov Dilshadbek is the head of the department for quality control of education at ASU. Dilshadbek has extensive experience in international projects. He was involved in the following projects, such as TuCAHEA, IQAT, etc. In addition, internships were held for countries such as Italy, Belgium, the Czech Republic, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, etc. He was a member of the expert group Accreditation of Universities in Kyrgyzstan. There are more than 80 publications in various local and international journals, conference proceedings and periodicals. He was the coordinator of the ICM program at ASU from 2015-2018, during this period 6 researchers and 2 teachers were sent for internship at the University of Pisa (Italy).

Some of his publications are listed below:

  1. The works carried out at the Andijan State University under the IQAT project // ERASMUS+ IN UZB, NurmatovD., 2016, pp. 104-108.
  2. Results of internal estimation of students on the educational program at the Andijan State University (UZB)// International dissemination Conference

«Bologna principles and quality assurance at EU and Central Asian HELs», Nurmatov D., Astana, 2017, pp.104-108

  1. The role of linguistics in the development of the country`s economy // “Modern trends of Innovations, developments and their application in production and education”, Nurmatov D., Andijan, in International Scientific and Practical Conference, 2019, pp. 326-329

Dr. Khabibullaev Jamshidbek. Contact person, teacher, trainer

Khabibullaev Jamshidbek is one of the leading researchers and first specialist in the department of Food Science which is a new field in Andijan State University. He completed his master degree in Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technology, LLU.

He studied one semester in University of Chemistry and Technology, UCT Prague, through the Erasmus mobility program. His master thesis “Development of lactose free yogurt products in the Republic of UZB’’. In this research he carried out several experiments on preparing lactose free yogurt with better rheological properties for population of UZB who consumes dairy products, especially yogurt, regularly. Results and information he gained during the research were involved in the scientific article published in the FOODBelt 2019 conference.

His publication is listed below:

  1. Heological properties of lactose-free yoghurt in relation to enzyme concentrations doi: 10.22616/foodbalt.2019.018

Abdullaev Mirzohid. Contact person, technical

Abdullaev Mirzohid is a teacher of the Department of Economics at ASU. Total teaching experience 32 years.

He has extensive experience in international projects. In particular, he participated in such international projects as TuCAHEA and IQAT. Participated in a seminar of such countries as Czechia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, etc. He has over 60 scientific publications in international and local journals. It has a number of developments in conducting student practice at enterprises, as well as in establishing links with employers. She has experience in conducting sociological surveys and conducting synthesis.

Ahmadalieva Dilrabo. Contact person, teacher, trainer

English language teacher, teaching experience more than 20 years. Knowledge and life experience she gained throughout her teaching career helped her develop leadership and intrapersonal skills. In fact, teaching requires high standard these days, and it is in a continuous professional development.

She is a coordinator of an ACCESS English for STEM program sponsored by US Department of State. Through the program she encourages ESP learners to obtain necessary language skills to conduct and write them researches in English.

She has been involved in projects “ PRESETT”, “TELL” developed by British Council, where the main goal is modernization of the system of higher education. She participated in IATEFL international conference in 2011 in Brighton, had several training courses in London Metropolitan University (2013) and UT in Austin, Texas (2019)

Urgench State University (UrSU)

WP7 leader,

WP2 and WP5 co-leader

Urgench State University (UrSU), was founded by a decree of the President of the Republic of UZB on 28 February 1992 on the site of the Khorezm Pedagogical State Institute. Currently there are 65 BSc degree programmes and 31 MSc degree programmes available. UrSU is the largest university in western UZB and also educates several hundred agronomists and food scientists every year. There are currently 31000 students enrolled and 1200 teachers employed and number of foreign students 1270. Most of these students then take employment in local and regional food and agro industries. The university has hosted scientific activities within the ZEF/UNESCO “Economic and ecological restructuring land and water use in the Khorezm region” programme for 12 years. In addition, UrSU was involved in the UNESCO-sponsored project “Education for sustainable development”. UrSU is currently participating in several international projects such as CABI in Switzerland, ZEF at Bonn University, Mashav in Israel, CRDF in the USA, KOICA in South Korea, ICARDA in Syria, GIZ in Germany, and with PROON, UNDP, LOGO e.V., Weihenstephan-Triesdorf, CIM UNESCO, ACCESS, RGB, the virtual reading hall of the Russian State Library and the USDA. The Department of Chemical Technology at UrSU consist of five laboratories that are equipped with modern analytical platforms used in food science and technology, including spectroscopic and chromatographic techniques.

Urgench State University is the only agricultural and food-oriented university in UZB and is located in the ecologically favourable zone of the Aral (Aral sea). The main objective is to improve the knowledge and practices of teachers and students in the field of the analysis, storage, processing and packaging of food products.



Prof. Zabibullo Babaev. Contact person, teacher, trainer

Prof. Zabibullo Babaev is the Head of the Department of Chemical Technology, Professor at Urgench State University, winner of grants in UZB, participant of a joint grant with the Czech Republic on fresh water cleaning. The links of the faculty "Chemical Technologies" with private food production companies: Joint-stock company “Urganch oil” (purification and neutralization of waste water); Joint-stock company «Urganch Sharob» (production of wine and vodka); Private enterprise “Tillo Domor” (cheese production); “Ecocompany” private enterprise (production of filters); Joint stock company "Khorazm don mahsulotlari" (production of flour and feed); Joint stock company "Khorazm Guruch".

Coordinated Joint work with the Czech Agrarian University on the study of the situation with drinking water “Improving the quality of drinking and irrigation water in the Aral Sea region with the help of purification plants and adsorbents of Czech production”.

Dr. Mansur Radjabov. Main contact person, teacher, trainer, manager           

Dr. Mansur Radjabov is an Associate Professor of the Department of Chemical Technology, Ph.D. (Diploma work on an energy-saving melon drying method using a heat pump). He has extensive experience in international projects. In particular, he participated in such international projects as  Erasmus Mundus "CANEM" in Las Palmas (Spain) and Erasmus Mundus “SILKROUT” in Padua (Italy).

The results of some of his studies are listed below:

  1. Method of Comparative Analysis of the Structure of Food. 2014. J Food Process Technol, 5:3.
  2. The Activity of Water in Fresh and Pre-Treated Melons. 2014. J Food Process Technol 2014, 5:2.
  3. . The Effect of ultraviolet on storage of late melon varieties. 2019. Research Journal of Chemical and Environmental Sciences, Vol 7 [2].
  4. Study of the Influence of Ultrasound in the Process of Osmotic Drying of Melon. 2021. ACTA SCIENTIFIC NUTRITIONAL HEALTH, Volume 5 1 January 2021.

Dr Sherzod Kurambaev. Contact person, teacher, trainer    

Dr Sherzod Kurambaev is the Deputy Dean of Academic Affairs. Associate Professor in the Chemical Technology department, Ph.D. Delivers lectures on production technologies and their calculation. He has published more than 15 scientific research articles.

  1. Experimental study of physico-chemical parameters of apple-banana puree. 2015. 3rd international scientific-practical conference. The collection of conference materials 3. Ukraine.
  2. Getting oil from papaya melon seeds “BishakKhorezm” using the method of cold pressing. 2016. "Young scientist» .№ 8 (112).
  3. Utilization process research of the soap industry acid waste water with high carbonate phosphorite of central Kyzylkum. 2021. E3S Web of Conferences. 264, 04079.

Center for Advanced Technologies (CAT)

WP2 leader,

WP3 co-leader

CAT was established in April 2018, on the basis of the former Center of High Technologies. It is the most recent and the largest investment made in UZB to boost basic and applied research in the country. The primary goal of CAT is to support innovation in UZB by bridging the gap between education, science and industries. CAT also acts as a training center for young professionals from academia and industry, such as the food, chemical, oil and textile industries. CAT has an innovative infrastructure where intellectual, analytical, and technical services provide the environment for introducing state-of-the-art methodologies and technologies. It provides a range of services to domestic and multinational enterprises including laboratory measurements, product and process certification, business consulting, foreign direct investment consulting, intellectual property rights consulting and education, and is led by an international team of renowned scientists and business experts. Occupying an area of 6,500 m2, it has four departments –biotechnology, physics and chemistry studies, geology and nanomineralogy, experimental biophysics – equipped with state-of-the-art analytical platforms and other laboratory facilities costing a total of 12 million USD. These include HPLC-MS, GC-MS, ICP-MS, SEM,
NIR, X-ray, IR, Raman, Real Time PCR techniques for this project. CAT has laid strong foundations for filling the current gap between academia and industry by pioneering the highest standards of applied scientific research and innovation practises in UZB. CAT currently hosts more than 50 joint projects and agreements to provide high-tech analytical solutions for the food industry in UZB.
CAT operates in following areas:
1. Training in the fields of food science and technology, chemistry, biology, biotechnology, microbiology, biochemistry. There are 18 employees involved in this department.
2. Implementation of research for local and foreign enterprises, food industries and HEIs- 10 people work in this area.
3. Development of educational and hands-on training programmes based on world standards to boost the skills of teachers and industrial experts. There are 6 people working on this issue.
4. The transfer of knowledge and technologies from the scientific environment to applied research. 8 employees involved.


ScD, Prof. Shahlo Turdikulova. Legal representative, main contact

Prof. Shahlo Turdikulova is the director at CAT and professor of biotechnology at the National University of UZB. She has published more than 100 papers. Her main research interest is in biotechnology and genetics. She participated in international NATO, CRDF and FP7 grants as a researcher and joint UZB/China-2016 project as principal investigator. Prof. Turdikulova participated in FP7 International project “IRENE- In silico Rational Engineering of Novel Enzymes” during 2008-2012 in collaboration with University of Copenhagen and NovoZymes. Her research activity in the field of food science lies within food safety and the development of PCR-based test systems for food pathogen analysis. Her research activity is also directed at recombinant enzyme production, isolation and purification.
Some of Prof. Turdikulova’s publications are listed below:
Cloning and expression glucose oxidase from Aspergillus niger. Turdikulova Sh., Kim A., Mukhamedov R., Infection, Immunity and Pharmacology, 2015, N3, P 130-133.
Overview of GMO testing in food products in UZB, 2016. Turdikulova Sh., Mukhamedov R. Standart. 1, 34-39.
Geographical barriers, environmental challenges, and complex migration events during the peopling of Eurasia. Luca Pagani, Daniel John Lawson, Evelyn Jagoda,…Shahlo Turdikulova, Dilbar Dalimova …. Eske Willerslev, Toomas Kivisild, Mait Metspalu// Nature 538, 238–242 (13 October 2016) doi:10.1038/nature19792
Iosif Lazaridis, Nick Patterson, Alissa Mittnik,Shahlo Turdikulova, Janet Kelso, David Reich, and Johannes Krause, Ancient human genomes suggest three ancestral populations for present-day Europeans. Nature 513 (7518), 409-413

Dilbar Dalimova, PhD. Contact person, teacher, manager

Dilbar Dalimova is the head of the Biotechnology laboratory at CAT. Her main research interest is in microbiology and genetics. She is an experienced microbiologist and worked as a microbiologist in the food safety laboratory in a factory producing “Toshkentsut” dairy products. Her research resulted in the development of fermented dairy products, using different strains in order to improve the taste and nutritional parameters. Furthermore, she contributed to the development of therapeutic milk drinks containing lactic acid microorganisms. Dr. Dalimova is a co-author of papers published in Nature in 2016. She has published more than 70 papers. Her main research interest is in microbiology and genetics. Dilbar Dalimova will lead WP2 and will be involved in WP5.
Some of Dr Dalimova’s publications are listed below:
Geographical barriers, environmental challenges, and complex migration events during the peopling of Eurasia. Luca Pagani, Daniel John Lawson, Evelyn Jagoda,…Shahlo Turdikulova, Dilbar Dalimova …. Eske Willerslev, Toomas Kivisild, Mait Metspalu// Nature 538, 238–242 (13 October 2016) doi:10.1038/nature19792
The frequency of occurrence of genotypes of C / T - 13910 polymorphism in the LCT gene among residents of UZB. Kim A., Dalimova D. Materials of the Republican Scientific and Technical Conference "Problems of Botany, Bioecology, Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, May 13-14, 2011 - Tashkent. - 2011. - p.63
Prevalence and spectrum of CYP21A2 gene mutations in women with symptoms of hyperandrogenism in UZB. D. Davletchurin , F. Khaidarova 2, S. Turdikulova 3, B. Adilov 4, D. Dalimova. 4 European Journal of Human Genetics, May 2014/ J03.16/
The prevalence of the cagA and vacA genotypes of H. pylori from patients with upper gastrointestinal diseases in UZB. Abdurakhimov, D. Dalimova, S. Turdikulova, R. Mukhamedov; European Journal of Human Genetics, May 2014. / J03.13/
The Genetic Legacy of the Expansion of Turkic-Speaking Nomads across Eurasia. Bayazit Yunusbayev , Mait Metspalu , Ene Metspalu, Albert Valeev, Sergei Litvinov, Ruslan Valiev, Vita Akhmetova, Elena Balanovska, Oleg Balanovsky, Shahlo Turdikulova, Dilbar Dalimova et. al. (2015).PLoS Genetics 11(4):e1005068.doi:10.1371/journal.pgen.1005068 A. L.

Yuliya Levitskaya, PhD. Contact person, teacher, administrative

Yuliya Levitskaya is the scientific secretary at the CAT and gives lectures on biophysics at the National University of UZB. Her main research interest is in cell metabolism and molecular biology and allergology. She is also involved in the development of a domestic vaccine against coronavirus infection (SARS-CoV-2) and experimental validation of the possibility for obtaining immune milk with neutralizing antibodies against SARS-CoV-2 from vaccinated cows and goats, potentially useful for passive immunization against coronavirus infection threats. She participated in international NATO and IsDB grants as a researcher. As an assistant professor of NUUz she is involved in educational quality management and cooperation with research institutes and universities in UZB and worldwide. She has published about 80 papers. Some of her recent contributions are listed below:
1. Electron structure and new approach of polymers with composition disorder (2016) Askarov B., Oksenhendler B., Nurgaliev I., Konopleva M., Levitskaya Y., Rashidova S. Uzbek Journal of Physics, Vol. 18., P. 54-62.
2. The dynamics of changes in the kinetics of lipid peroxidation in rat brain mitochondria in different ages and vegetable preparations’ effect on this parameter (2019) Dalimova SN, Kuziev ShN, ., Levitskaya Y.V., Umarova GB, Mukhamadjanova GM, Nasriddinov KhZ // European Journal of Biomedical AND Pharmaceutical sciences, 2019, Volume 6, Issue 6, 546-549.

Sarvar Kakhkhorov. Contact person, teacher, researcher

Sarvar Kakhkhorov is a Research Associate at CAT. He received his bachelor’s degree in industrial pharmacy from Tashkent Pharmaceutical Institute (UZB) and master’s degree in chemistry from Changwon National University (Republic of Korea). His research interests are in natural products, metabolomics, and bioinformatics. He worked as a Visiting Scholar at Dr. Pieter Dorrestein lab at Skaggs School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences at the University of California - San Diego, where he was involved in the development of mass spectrometry-based bioinformatics tools.
Selected publications:
S.M. Tawfik, M. Sharipov, S.A. Kakhkhorov, M.R. Elmasry, Y.I. Lee Multiple emitting amphiphilic conjugated polythiophenes-coated CdTe QDs... Advanced Science, 2019, 1801467
M. Sharipov, Sh. Azizov, S.A. Kakhkhorov, A. Yunuskhodjayev, Y.I. Lee. Emerging spectroscopic techniques for prostate cancer diagnosis Applied Spectroscopy Reviews, 2018, 1-27
S.A. Kakhkhorov, S.M. Tawfik “Detection of cancer biomarkers via aggregation-induced emission” 6th International Conference on Multifunctional, Hybrid and Nanomaterials 2019, Sitges, Spain (by Materials Today, Elsevier)

Diyora Kurmaeva. Contact person, researcher, technical

Diyora Kurmaeva is a Junior Researcher at CAT. She received her bachelor’s degree in biology and master’s degree in biochemistry from National University of UZB. She also was an Exchange Student at the University of Hoffenheim, participated in the Humboldt Reloaded Program at the University of Humboldt, worked as a lab assistant at the Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry of Polish Academy of Sciences, and had an internship at the University of Copenhagen. Her primary research interests are in biochemistry and biotechnology.
Selected publications:
Dalimova D.A., Abdullaev A.A., Abdurakhimov A.A., Mirakbarova Z.N., Ibragimova S.N., Dalimova (Kurmaeva) D.N., Tsoy V.E., Esonova G.U., Bozorov S.S., Turdikulova S.U. Identification of the SARS-CoV2 in UZB. NCBI, MZ574943, 2021
Kapralova Y.A., Dalimova (Kurmaeva) D.N., Turdikulova Sh.U. Association of rs7903146 polymorphisms of the TCF7L2 and PRAG gene with type 2 diabetes in UZB Topical issues of genetics, genomics and biotechnology- 84-85 page, 2019
Dalimova (Kurmaeva) D.N., Xolikova S.A., Abduraximova A.A., Chernova A.R., Dalimova D.A. Association of CYP2D6 100 C> T polymorphisms in residents of UZB. Topical issues of genetics, genomics and biotechnology, p. 80, 2019

Vladimir Tsoy. Contact person, researcher, technical

Head of Youth Project of Modern Biotechnology Laboratory of the Center for Advanced Technologies. He is the head of C.A.T. Science Accelerator, a startup accelerator for scientific projects.
He graduated Masters in biotechnology at National University of Uzbekistan in 2015. V.Tsoy has also been working as Junior researcher at the biotechnology laboratory of CAT since 2018.
He conducts a research in the field of molecular biotechnology and genetic engineering. His current research is related to developing a genetically engineered antimicrobial drug. V.Tsoy has successfully completed an internship on the development of techniques for obtaining recombinant proteins and peptides in China.
• Laboratory procedures: isolation, purification DNA, proteins, basic microbiology skills, PCR, PCR-real time
• Electrophoresis: (in PAAG and agarose gels), blotting and immune staining by enzyme conjugates.
• Protein assays: by Lowry - Bradford methods and their modifications.
Selected publications:
1. Turdikulova Sh.., Oshchepkova Y., Tsoy V., Ibragimova Sh., Yili A., Salikhov Sh., Aisa H. Cloning, isolation and purification the recombinant Defensine from Nigella sativa. / International journal of Peptide Research and Therapeutics (IJPR), 2017
5. Tsoy V., Ibragimova S., Ergashev S., Turdikulova S. Cloning and functional expressing of recombinant defensin from Nigella Sativa L. seeds./ Scientific-practical conference “Pharmacy: science, education, innovation and production”, Tashkent 2017, p. 200-201

Sharofiddin Nuriddinov. Contact person, researcher, technical

Qualified Research Assistant with 5 years of expertise in biotechnology and food science. Identifies and applies optimal methodologies and techniques to gather and evaluate data. Familiar with best laboratory practices and research project planning. Experienced junior research fellow and intellectually curious person always seeking new information and driving research forward. Balances classroom, laboratory and practice time to create knowledgeable, confident students.
He graduated Masters in biotechnology at Tashkent pharmaceutical institute in 2020. He is currently both a PhD student and a Junior Research Fellow at CAT. His research is connected to Metabolomics.
As the Junior Research Fellow in CAT Sh.Nuriddinov has the following work experience:
• Collected qualitative and quantitative data with rigorous methodology.
• Filtered high volume of articles, distilling key information critical to project work.
• Verified research findings with comprehensive tests and audits.
• Generated research interview questions, transcribing and summarising results.
• Responded to internal and external research queries.
• Created spreadsheets to track project progress and data.
• Prepared literature reviews with concise summaries and etc.
Latest publications:
Abdukhalimova S.A., Kurmaeva D.N., Nuriddinov Sh.Dj., Alyavi B.A., Uzokov J.K., Abdullaev A.X., Nurmatova S.B., Dalimova D.A., SIGNIFICANCE OF SLCO1B1 GENE 521 T>C POLYMORPHISM IN CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASES, Проблемы биофизики и биохимии - 2023 г. Материалы научной конференции 19 мая 2023 г. С. 6-7.
Abdullaev A, Abdurakhimov A, Mirakbarova Z, Ibragimova S, Tsoy V, Nuriddinov S, Dalimova D, Turdikulova S, Abdurakhmonov I. Genome sequence diversity of SARS-CoV-2 obtained from clinical samples in Uzbekistan. Plos one. 2022 Jun 27;17(6):e0270314.