Host partner: Center for Advanced Technologies

Venue of the partner meeting: Talabalar shaharchasi street, 3A, Tashkent, Uzbekistan

Venue of the opening conference: Center for Advanced Technologies, Tashkent

Date:  13th April, 2023

Time: 10:00 – 16:00 (Tashkent time)

Partner Organizations

P1     Tashkent Institute of Chemical Technology (TICT, Uzbekistan). Coordinator.

P2        Kobenhavns Universitet (UCPH, Denmark). Partner.

P3        University Exstramadura (UEx, Spain). Partner.

P4        National University of Uzbekistan (NUUz, Uzbekistan). Partner

P5        Bukhara engineering-technological institute (BETI, Uzbekistan). Partner

P6        Andijan State University (ASU, Uzbekistan). Partner

P7        Urganch State Uiversity (UrSU, Uzbekistan). Partner

P8        Centre for Advaced Technologies (CAT, Uzbekistan). Partner

Participants Attending Meeting

TICT (Coordinator) – Primary coordinator – Prof. Zebo Babakhanova, contact person – Dr. Akmal Boboev, project manager – Khumora Yunuskhodjaeva.

UCPH – Contact person – Associate professor Bekzod Khakimov, Prof. Søren Balling Engelsen, Assistant professor Tomasz Pawel Czaja.

UEx  – Contact person – Professor Jorge-Ruiz Carrascal.

NUUz – Contact person – Dr. Elyor Berdimurodov, Prof. Kh.I. Akbarov.

BETI – Kakhramon Rakhmonov, Associate professor., Ulugbek Ibragimov, Oltiev Azim.

ASU – Contact person – Dr. Nurmatov Dilshadbek, Yulchiev Aslbek, Abdurazzoqov Abdunosirbek

UrSU – Contact person – Prof. Mansur Radjabov, Vice rector – Zafar Ibragimov.

CAT – Contact person – Dr. Dilbar Dalimova, Yulia Levitskaya, Sarvar Kakhkhorov, Vladimir Tsoy, Soyibjon Bozorov, Diyora Kurmaeva, Barnokhon Artikhodjaeva.

During the meeting there were discussed the details of upcoming “Kick-off meeting”, including: activities, guests, possible risks and their mitigation on place.

Partner organization 8 (Center for Advanced Technologies) shared the result of Target group 2 and 3 survey results related D2.1 – review comprising details of target groups’ (industry) needs based on the initial need analysis. The replies by young teachers and researchers were discussed among partners. Some of the present researchers of food science gave further suggestions on questions of survey prepared by P8. The results of Target group 3 survey were discussed between partners and the representatives of food industry. Food industry representatives also shared their opinion regarding the procedure of interaction between UZB HEIs and Food industry.

The main contact person of Coordinator organization Zebo Babakhanova explained how data protection, ethics and values, intellectual property, confidentiality and security are managed within the Project. There were provided articles from project’s Grant Agreement referring to the aforementioned matters. Members reminded the challenging situations the members and participants might deal with in future, particularly in terms of Intellectual property, Confidentiality and security.

The following Committee’s and teams were established:

  • Management team;
  • Quality team;
  • Local coordination team;
  • Steering Committee;
  • Evaluation Committee.