Host partner: Tashkent institute of chemical technology (TICT)
Venue of the partner meeting: Uzbekistan, Tashkent city, Navoi street, 32
Venue of the opening conference: Tashkent institute of chemical technology, Tashkent
Date: 12th April, 2023
Time: 10:00 – 17:30 (Tashkent time)
Partner Organizations
P1 Tashkent Institute of Chemical Technology (TICT, Uzbekistan). Coordinator.
P2 Kobenhavns Universitet (UCPH, Denmark). Partner.
P3 University Exstramadura (UEx, Spain). Partner.
P4 National University of Uzbekistan (NUUz, Uzbekistan). Partner
P5 Bukhara engineering-technological institute (BETI, Uzbekistan). Partner
P6 Andijan State University (ASU, Uzbekistan). Partner
P7 Urganch State Uiversity (UrSU, Uzbekistan). Partner
P8 Centre for Advaced Technologies (CAT, Uzbekistan). Partner
Participants Attending Meeting
TICT (Coordinator) – Primary coordinator – Prof. Zebo Babakhanova, contact person – Dr. Akmal Boboev, project manager – Khumora Yunuskhodjaeva.
UCPH – Contact person – Associate professor Bekzod Khakimov, Prof. Søren Balling Engelsen, Assistant professor Tomasz Pawel Czaja.
UEx – Contact person – Professor Jorge-Ruiz Carrascal.
NUUz – Contact person – Dr. Elyor Berdimurodov.
BETI – Kakhramon Rakhmonov, Associate professor., Ulugbek Ibragimov, Oltiev Azim.
ASU – Contact person – Dr. Nurmatov Dilshadbek, Yulchiev Aslbek, Abdurazzoqov Abdunosirbek
UrSU – Contact person – Prof. Mansur Radjabov, Vice rector – Zafar Ibragimov.
CAT – Contact person – Dr. Dilbar Dalimova, Yulia Levitskaya, Sarvar Kakhkhorov, Vladimir Tsoy and Soyibjon Bozorov.
During the meeting there were discussed the budget related matters of project, including: the distribution among partners, distribution of budget for each work package and others.
As one of the main tasks of project is the organization of CAMPs, the matters of upcoming CAMP for 2023 was also put on the AGENDA. Partners decided on topics to be covered, time for CAMP organization, creating an application for students, teachers to be involved in CAMPs and student selection criteria.
Another main task of the project is train-the-trainer, which is planned to be held each year of project. Partners discussed the areas to be covered in the train-the-trainer program, selection criteria for train-the-trainer visitors and other related matters.
To ensure the Project’s sustainability, there is to be organized the foundation of “Uzbek Food Science and Technology Society” and the establishment of a “Cluster of Advanced Topics in Food Science and Technology” for academic networking where teachers trained in EU will teach industrial experts, which was also put on the AGENDA.
Partner organization 8 (Center for Advanced Technologies) shared the result of Target group 1 survey to analyze how food science student internship is done now in UZB food industry. Other members of Steering Group also shared the experience of how the interaction between UZB HEIs and food science students’ proceeds.
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