“ECAMPUZ – European World Talent Camp for Uzbekistan Scientists in Food Science and Technology– ERASMUS-EDU-2022-CBHE» announces the start of CAMP 1 course for the BSc, MSc and PhD students of 5 UZB HEI’s:

Tashkent Institute of Chemical Technology;

National University of Uzbekistan;

Bukhara Engineering-technological Institute;

Andijan State University

and Urgench State University.  


Topic: Academic food science upgrade and primary food production

Subjects to be covered: Food chemistry, molecular gastronomy and food analytics

CAMP Period: 18-30th September 2023

Venue of CAMP: 

1.”Youth camp” (“Yoshlar oromgohi”) in Chimgan, Tashkent region – 18-24th September 2023

  1. Tashkent institute of chemical technology (Tashkent, Navoi street, 32) and Center for Advanced Technologies (Tashkent, Talabalar shaharchasi street, 3A) – 25-30th September 2023

Number of students: 26